Trustees and Group Staff
Currently we have 8 forming the Executive Committee. Trustees are elected annually at the Group’s Annual General Meeting when the annual accounts are also presented to members. Our financial year runs from the 1st of January. Elected officers are the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer. The remaining Trustees have specific roles to fulfil in addition to sitting on the Executive committee such as organising various forms of fundraising activities, or participate in sub-committees or small working groups for particular projects.
We have a full-time Self-care Co-ordinator and a part-time Group Administrator on our payroll.
Self-care Co-ordinator
Some members are so severely affected that social events are beyond their capabilities, often housebound and sometimes confined to their bed for long periods.
Our Self-care Co-ordinator is responsible for contacting individual members with complex and specialist needs to ascertain, and secure, the help they require. She also undertakes the assembly and dissemination of information on the availability of domestic and personal services offered by various agencies useful to our members, and has overall responsibility for overseeing and supporting the role of the Link Groups, special events and funding for particular activities.
Group Administrator
Apart from supporting the operation of the Executive committee and sub-committees, our Group Administrator is normally your first contact with the Group to provide information about membership and answer queries. She can provide membership packs which include a membership application form which has to be returned to her for processing. Select the Contact page to make an enquiry.
We are not providing the facility to join on-line at present. The Administrator maintains our membership database and will also provide to new members contact details about local Link Groups.